Health Care Facilities

Hospital and healthcare facility managers not only face the same resource constraints as in other industries, but also the principal focus of patient safety and compliance with ADA, USAF, and other requirements. Hospitals and healthcare facilities are some of the most complex buildings to manage because of the wide variety of functions within one facility. Access is key in all areas of the facility. Careful scheduling of a project is required to work on and with hospital staff and patients. Parking lots and roadways are an important aspect of the facilities’ value and appearance of the grounds as a whole.

Strategic Maintenance Plan

Our exclusive Preventive Maintenance Plan provides you with a comprehensive tool to identify current pavement and concrete issues as well as helping to establish a 3-5 year budget for asphalt needs. Taking this tool to boards or other decision-makers can help you anticipate repair and maintenance needs, establishing an expense budgets. The goal is to avoid large capital issues arising down the road by anticipating budget needs with the Strategic Maintenance Plan.
Below are a few links to help you better understand what we do and how we can help:

Mary Washington Hospital Fredericksburg, VA

Mary Washington Hospital
Fredericksburg, VA

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